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10 November: Lifestream of Tasmanian bill voting

The Tasmanian VAD bill will be voted in the Legislative Council (Tasmania’s Upper House) on Tuesday 10th November at 11.30am. The proceedings are webcast on the website of the Parliament of Tasmania.

The bill is tabled as an independent private members bill. This is the first time VAD Bill has ever reached the committee stage. The 2020 bill was unanimously supported to go into Committee (15 members). No vote was required as there was no question of its approval to the Committee Stage.

All other Bills have been tabled in the Lower House (House of Assembly) of 25 members. The speaker did not vote on any of the following 3 occasions.
– 2009 defeated 15 – 8 (one member absent) *Introduced by Greens Member Nick McKim
– 2013 defeated 13 -11 *introduced by the then Premier Lara Giddings and Greens member Cassy O’Connor
– 2017 defeated 16 – 8 * introduced by Labor MP Lara Giddings and Greens member Cassy O’Connor
