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Noel Conway can challenge UK law

Noel Conway, the terminally ill man who tries to challenge the UK law for dying with dignity, has won the right to bring his case to court.



On March 30, his request was refused by the High Court. Two out of three judged had ruled that it should not be allowed. They stated that it would be inappropriate to go against the ‘will’ of Parliament, that voted against changing the law for assisted dying. It thereby prevented a judicial review.


The Appeal Court now stated that Noel Conway can procede and that the High Court should not prevent challenges to the law whatever fragility of the prospects. Noel Conway wants a declaration that the Suicide Act 1961 is incompatible with Article 8 of the Human Rights Act. This Act relates to respect for private and family life. Also Article 14 is brought up, which protects from discrimination.


The case now goes back to the same Court, to be fully heard. The case will be the first High Court challenge to the existing law since the House of Commons rejected an attempt to introduce assisted dying in 2015.


Noel Conway is 67 and suffers from incurable neurological condition. He has less than 6 months to live. He started a crowdfund campaign, which brought up enough to fund his judicial fight. For more information, click here

