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Press Conference

ADMD plans to re-launch the public debate on end-of-life issues by holding a major press conference on 23 September, the occasion of the publication of a book by Catherine Leguay, an official of ADMD: “Respecting life, arranging death – in favour of a Vincent Humbert law”. The book will have a preface by Marie Humbert (and a commentary by Henri Cavaillet).

The main purpose of the book is to denounce the bias of the report by the Parliamentary commission chaired by Jean Leonetti entitled “Respecting life, accepting death” and to argue for the passing of a law which would decriminalise euthanasia. This law should bear the name of Vincent Humbert as a tribute to the young man’s struggle and to the courage of his mother (who still awaits a decision on whether she is to be sent for trial. The same applies to Dr Chaussoy.)

Source: Newsletter RtD-Europe, September 2005.
