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French Health Minister, Dr. Bernard Kouchner, Admits Mercy Killings

BRITISH BROADCASTING CORP – Tuesday, 24 July, 2001

French Health Minister Bernard Kouchner’s remarks are expected to spark a debate. The French Health Minister, Bernard Kouchner, has admitted he practised euthanasia when he worked as a doctor.

In an interview with the Dutch weekly magazine Vrij Nederland, Mr Kouchner said he practised mercy killings during the wars in Lebanon and Vietnam, injecting people who he said were suffering too much.

When people were suffering too much pain and I knew in advance they would die, I would help them.

Lethal Jabs Study Fuels Belgian Euthanasia Debate

More than three in 100 deaths in Belgium’s northern Flemish region every year are the result of lethal injection without the patient’s request, according to a medical study published on Friday.

Top California court rules in ‘right to die’ case

SAN FRANCISCO, Aug 09 (Reuters) – Ruling in a closely watched “right to die” case, California’s top court said on Thursday that family members have no right to stop life support for conscious patients who are not terminally ill.

The California Supreme Court’s unanimous decision came several weeks after the death of the man at the center of the case, 49-year-old Robert Wendland, who died of natural causes on July 17 while still attached to life support.

Ashcroft’s odd targets

We have terrorists on the loose, anthrax wafting through the mail, and the Justice Department is in hot pursuit of … terminally ill patients?

Ashcroft memorandum

Text of Ashcroft memorandum prohibiting use of federally controlled substances for assisted suicide.