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Brittish doctor expects to face charges under new DPP guidelines

Dr Michael Irwin, a retired general practitioner, wants to make a test case out of his assistance in helping someone to commit suicide three years ago. By writing Keir Starmer, UK’s DPP, he effectively is inviting criminal charges within weeks, for which the former GP could be jailed for up to 14 years.

He assisted Raymond Cutkelvin to go to Dignitas in Switzerland by paying part of the costs. He wrote the DPP admitting this “crime” and asked in this way to be subject to an examination by the Special Crime Division and may face charges. Further details can be found in an article in the Sunday Telegraph of April 25, 2010.

Comments by webmaster: other “brave” people in this field are at the moment waiting for consequences of their activities. Ted Goodwin – with others from USA Final Exit Network – is still waiting for his trial (date not yet set) and Libby Wilson of FATE Scotland saw her bail (originally ending April 29 this year) extended perhaps into July.
Further information on these cases may be found on and
