Colombia: Senate approves 52 articles
The green light for medically assisted death is in sight.
The green light for medically assisted death is in sight.
A report monitoring MAID in Colombia finds broad support and a steep surge in applications.
Five months after the Constitutional Court approved medically assisted suicide in Colombia, the full text of Ruling C-164 of 2022 (see also below) is released.
Read the 2022 September newsletter (in Spanish) here: Curso virtual: valoraciones para el ejercicio de la capacidad jurídica (
Read the 2022 June newsletter (in Spanish) here: Hicimos historia, despenalizamos el suicidio médicamente asistido (
On Wednesday May 11, Colombia’s constitutional court decided that not only euthanasia but also medically assisted suicide is allowed for people suffering from incurable illnesses.
Read the 2022 April newsletter (in Spanish) here: La educación inclusiva en acción: webinar sobre colegios privados, blogs y más… (
The Colombian man Victor Escobar, a 60 years old multi-disease patient, was one of the first Latin Americans to receive euthanasia without being terminally ill.
After the bill that sought to regulate medically assisted death through euthanasia collapsed in Colombian House of Representatives last April, the bill failed too in Congress
Earlier this month we heard that the scheduled euthanasia for Martha Sepúlveda was blocked by the Colombian Pain Institute (IPS). With the help of Right