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Derek Humphry hands ERGO News List over to Final Exit Network

Following Derek’s ‘retirement‘ , ERGO’s Right to Die News List has been taken over by Final Exit Network (USA) and is now called World Right-to-Die News Service. The service was originally created by Derek Humphry, author of the best-selling book Final Exit, creator of ERGO, the Euthanasia Research & Guidance Organization.
Derek passed the service over to Final Exit Network. FEN is immensely grateful to him for creating this service and for being its editor and moderator for many years: “We are proud that he has selected us to carry on this vital part of his work”.
FEN will continue as World Right-To-Die News Service this extremely valuable, fascinating and informative compendium of news related to aid in dying from around the world. Updates will be made available as news events occur. Current subscriptions will be continued on the same conditions as before. There is no charge.

Information about posting on the list:

– If you wish to submit a topical post relevant to the list, please email your post to: righttodienews (All list postings require the posters name and location (city/state/country). When responding to a previous list posting, please remove the unneeded text from the original digest email before sending your email reply.)

– If you have information or ideas on how to improve our service, please email them to:

– If you want to subscribe go to the subscription page. 
