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HEMLOCK Florida unveils new website

The Hemlock Society of Florida this month announced its new website which features a comprehensive, one-stop resource for free, downloadable forms that allow Floridians to specify their own end-of-life choices. The forms are Florida-specific and include an advance directive, a do not resuscitate order, a designation of health care surrogate form and instructions for completing the forms and where to keep them on file.

The new website is to be seen at

“This maybe the first time all of these necessary documents are available, free and in one well organized place”, said Ben Wilcox, Executive Director of the Hemlock Society of Florida. “I am hopeful Floridians will use the new website to start a conversation with their family, friends and physicians about how they want to be treated at the end of their lives”.

The new website has a number of other features as well including information about the Hemlock Society of Florida, a news feed from the World Federation of Right toDie Societies and links to Hemlock’s Facebook and Twitter pages.

The website furthers our mission to promote dignity and freedom of choice at the end of life”, said Donna Klamm, President of the Hemlock Society of Florida. “It is really an educational tool for Floridians who want to have quality of life and death.

