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Mobile euthanasia teams in The Netherlands to start on March 1, 2012

The Dutch RtD Society, NVVE will implement their plans to provide assistance to people with serious euthanasia requests, but get negative responses (for whatever reason)  from their own doctor. As a first step a first so called Mobile Euthanasia Team (consisting of a doctor and a nurse) will start on March 1, 2012. The requests and these teams will be coordinated from an organisation in The Hague, set up for this by NVVE.

The teams will always work within the cadre of the Dutch law: comply with all teh legal criteria and report their action to the Regional Review Commitees (like any doctor in the Nethjeralnds does when (s)he applies euthanasia or (physician) assisted suicide).

The news caused much discussion around the world. A typical example is the article by Simon Caldwell in MailONline.


