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New Zealand End of Life Choice Bill probably be decided in referendum next year

On the night of Wednesday October 23, David Seymour’s End of Life Choice Bill was amended to include a binding referendum on whether it should come into force. This means that New Zealanders will likely be asked to decide whether euthanasia should be legal in a referendum at the 2020 election. 

The amendment was adopted by a vote of 66 to 54. (See also the Hansard report on Parliament’s website.) A majority of Labour MPs (28) voted for the referendum, including leader Jacinda Ardern. A majority of National MPs (39) voted against it, including leader Simon Bridges.

The referendum would give give the bill a much higher chance of passing as it keeps NZ First on board with the legislation. The referendum is not certain as the bill still has to make it through a third reading vote next month. 

Read more on this news on the website of WF member End-of-Life Choice, society of New Zealand Inc
Read more about the bill in our earlier newsitems.


