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British Medical Association (BMA) rejects motion to change its stance on assisted dying

BMA (the British Medical Association) in its annual conference in Bournemouth, rejected a motion moved by prof. Raymond Tallis (chairman of Healthcare Professionals for Assisted Dying, HPAD), to change its current (“morally repugnant”) position on (medically) assisted dying to neutral.A majority – with even one doctor likening it to murder [!] –  unfortunately reiterated with this rejection BMA’s opposition to a change in the law.  Doctor Hamish Meldrum, BMA’s outgoing President, said: “I think adopting a neutral position is probably the worst of all options. Neutrality does tend to exclude us from the argument, an argument which would have a huge bearing on the working lives of doctors”.

From a report in The  (Ella Pickover, June 27, 2012). (do read the comments as well, RJ)
