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Committee and staff

The Committee


Asunción Alvarez (Mexico)


Asunción Álvarez works at the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). She writes and lectures about the right to die with dignity. She has been committed to improve the way in which people die and to advance cultural and legal changes so that people can choose the best end of life including receiving assistance in dying when they decide. After being vice-president since 2019, she is President of the WFRtDS since 2021.


Jean-Jacques Bise (CH)


Jean-Jacques Bise studied law. Before he retired, he was teacher at a business school. For many years, he has been advocating for the respect of the freedom of choice and autonomy of the individual: people should, in any country, be free to choose a safe and peaceful death. Since 2018, he is the co-chairman of EXIT A.D.M.D. Suisse Romande (the French part of Switzerland). In 2012 he joined the WFRtDS Committee as Treasurer.

anne bunning

Anne Bunning (Australia)


Anne Bunning is an advocate with Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) South Australia and a member of the national VAD network in Australia. Anne is an agricultural economist and has worked extensively in Australia, Asia and the Pacific, in the area of poverty alleviation, health, rural development and gender equality, with leadership roles in the public, private and community sectors. Anne uses her policy and political advisory experience as Vice President of VADSA and as strategist for the recent successful campaign to achieve a VAD law in SA. Anne joined the WFRtDS Committee in 2021.

Sten Niklasson

Sten Niklasson (Sweden)

General member

Sten Niklasson, born 1939, is a Swedish economist and lawyer. During his career he chaired a UN Commission of 48 Member States. He was also representative of Sweden in the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO). In the period 1985-1991 he served as General Director of the Swedish Patent Office and as vice chairman of the European Patent Organisation (EPO). He was elected member of the board of the Swedish RTVD in 2020 and is a firm believer in its objectives as well as the international work being pursued by the WFRtDS.

Yoshihiro Kitamura (Japan)

General member

Yoshihiro Kitamura is Committee member of the WFRtDS since November 2022.



Rob Jonquiere (NL)

Executive Director

As former general practitioner and CEO of the Dutch Right to Die Society the NVVE, Rob is familiar with the topic of assisted dying since a long time. He was CEO of the NVVE when the Dutch Law on Euthanasia came into force. Rob is Executive Director of the WFRtDS since January 2009. He is responsible for the availability of information about developments in the world and directs the staff of the WFRtDS. 


Laura De Vito (NL)

Webmaster & Legal

As former legal advisor of the Dutch Right to Die Society NVVE, Laura is expert in the field of the prohibition of assisted suicide, the legal basis of advance directives and the history of the Dutch Law on Euthanasia. Since 2019, she is webmaster of the WFRtDS. With her legal background it is her job to follow legal developments around the world in the field of assisted dying and the self chosen death. 

Peter Warren 1

Peter Warren (Spain)

Media & Activities

Has a background in political activism and end of life advocacy. Worked for 15 years in the private office of Scottish politician Margo MacDonald, during this time worked on 2 Bill proposals to allow Assisted Dying. In 2016 became Chair of FATE. Continues to work with an alliance of other organizations in Scotland to change the law on AD.

Previous Committees

2020 – 2022


President: Asunción Alvarez (Mexico)
Secretary: Anne Bunning (Australia)
Treasurer: Jean-Jacques Bise (Switzerland)
General member:
Sten Niklasson (Sweden)
General member: Masahiro Nomoto (Japan)


Executive Director: Rob Jonquière (the Netherlands)
Website & Newsletter: Laura De Vito (the Netherlands)
Media & Activities: Peter Warren (Spain)


President: Sean Davison (South Africa)

Secr: Jeanne Arthur (Aus)

Treasurer: Jean-Jacques Bise (Switzerland)

Directors: Asunción Alvarez (Mexico); Masahiro Nomoto (Japan)


President: Sean Davison (South Africa)

Secr: Jeanne Arthur (Aus)

Treasurer: Jean-Jacques Bise (Switzerland)

Directors: Derryck Smith (Canada); Soichi Iwao (Japan)


President: Ron Plummer (UK)

Secr: Carole Sweney (New Zealand)

Treasurer: Jean-Jacques Bise (Switzerland)

Directors: Soichi Iwao (Japan); Jena-Luc Romero (France); Jeanne Arthur (Aus); Sean Davison (South Africa)


President: Neil Francis (Aus) till 2013

                Faye Girsh (USA) from 2013

Secr: Berit Hasselmark (Sweden)

Treasurer: Ron Plummer (UK)

Directors: Faye Girsh (USA);  Soichi Iwao (Japan);  Rodney Syme (Aus);  Jean-Jacques Bise (Switzerland)

2010 – 2012

BOARD 2010 – 2012

President: Ted Goodwin  (USA)

Secr: Libby Drake (Aus)

Treasurer: Michael Irwin (UK)

Directors: Faye Girsh (USA); Cynthia St John (Canada); Rodney Syme (Aus); Aycke Smook (NL)




2008 – 2010


President: Dr Juan Mendoza-Vega (Colombia)
Vice president: Ted Goodwin (USA)
Immediate Past President: Jacqueline Herremans (Belgium)
Secretary: Hugh Wynne (Scotland)
Treasurer: Dr. Michael Irwin (UK)
Newsletter editor: Faye Girsh (USA)

Other Directors

Ans Baars (Netherlands)
Dr. Aycke Smook (Netherlands)
Cynthia St.John (Canada)
Rodney Syme (Australia)
Rob Jonquière, Communications Director

2006 – 2008

Board of Directors 

President: Jacqueline Herremans (Belgium)
Vice president: Juan Mendoza-Vega (Colombia)
Secretary: Cynthia St John (Canada)
Treasurer: Ted Goodwin (USA)
Newsletter editor: Faye Girsh (USA)

Additional members

Karen Sanders (UK)
Chris Loker (USA)
Michio Arakawa (Japan)
Jean-Luc Roméro (France)

2004 – 2006

Board of Directors

President: Jacob Kohnstamm (Netherlands)
Vice-President: Jacqueline Herremans (Belgium) 
Past-President: Dr. Michael Irwin (UK)
Treasurer: Annelies Plaisant (USA)
Secretary: Libby Drake (UK)
Newsletter Editor: Faye Girsh (USA)

Additional Board Members

Dr. Richard MacDonald (USA)
Derek Humphry (USA)
Dr. Juan Mendoza-Vega (Colombia)
Dr. Michio Arakawa (Japan)
Cynthia St. John (Canada)

2002 – 2004

Board of Directors

President: Dr. Michael Irwin (UK)
Vice-President: Juana Betancor (Spain) President-elect: (2004-2006)
Past-President: Dr. Richard MacDonald (USA, 2000-2002)
Treasurer: Annelies Plaisant (USA)
Secretary: Libby Drake (Australia)
Newsletter Editor: Derek Humphry (USA)

Additional Board Members

Dr. Michio Arakawa (Japan)
Jacqueline Herremans (Belgium)
Jacob Kohnstamm (Netherlands)
Dr. Libby Wilson (UK)
Dr. Juan Mendoza-Vega (Colombia)

2000 – 2002

Board of Directors

President: Richard MacDonald (USA)
Vice-President: Dr. Michael Irwin (UK)
Past-President: Mary Gallnor (Australia)
Treasurer: Olli Penttila (Finland)
Secretary: Libby Drake (Australia)
Newsletter: Editor Derek Humphry (USA)

Additional Board Members

Michio Arakawa
Juana Betancor
Jacqueline Herremans (Belgium)
Hans Schraven

Executive Director

Stephen Jamison (USA)

1998 – 2000

Board of Directors

President: Mary Gallnor (Australia)
Vice-President: Richard MacDonald (USA)
Treasurer: Olli Penttila (Finland)
Secretary: Libby Drake (Australia)


Additional Board Members

Jacqueline Herremans (Belgium)
Derek Humphry (USA)
Malcolm Hurwitt (UK)
Ken Minami (Japan)
Aycke O A Smook (Netherlands)
Hugh Wynne (UK)

Past presidents from 1980 to now

1980 – 1984: Sidney Rosoff (USA) 
1984 – 1986: Minoo Masani (India) 
1986 – 1988: Prof. Patrick Nowell-Smith (Canada) 
1988 – 1990: Derek Humphry (USA) 
1990 – 1992: Jean Davies (England) 
1992 – 1994: Dr. Helga Kuhse (Australia) 
1994 – 1996: Dr. Aycke O A Smook (Netherlands) 
1996 – 1998: Dr. Hugh T. Wynne (UK) 
1998 – 2000: Mary Gallnor (Australia) 
2000 – 2002: Richard MacDonald (USA)
2002 – 2004: Dr. Michael Irwin (UK)
2004 – 2006: Jacob Kohnstamm (Netherlands)
2006 – 2008: Jacqueline Herremans (Belgium)
2008 – 2010: Juan Mendoza-Vega (Colombia)
2010 – 2012: Ted Goodwin (USA)
2012 – 2012: Neil Francis (Australia)
2012 – 2014: Faye Girsh (USA)
2014 – 2016: Ron Plummer (UK) 
2016 – 2021: Sean Davison (South Africa)

2021 – present:  Asunción Alvarez (Mexico)