The World Federation of Right to Die Societies advocates for a self-determined and dignified end of life, in which individuals have the freedom to request and obtain all appropriate end of life care, ranging from optimal palliative care to assisted dying.
End of Life care
End of Life care is the term used by WFRtDS to describe the support and care provided at the end of life. End of Life care includes palliative care (caring for a dying person), respecting the wish to refuse medical treatment (the person dies from the disease) and assisted dying (see below).
Assisted dying
Assisted dying is the term used by WFRtDS to describe procedures to end life for a person who is suffering. Assisted dying includes the provision of medication to a person for self-administration as well as administration of medication by a health practitioner, in both cases causing death.
Legal assisted dying
In those jurisdictions where it is legal, assisted dying is an end of life choice for people who meet the eligibility criteria established by the law in their jurisdictions. Each jurisdiction requires the request to be voluntary.
Other terms