La gioia della vita (The Joy of Life) is "the fruit of the common reflection of a qualified group of theologians who met on the initiative of the Pontifical Academy for Life". A text born as a basis for the work of the seminar of the Pontifical Academy for Life (Pav) in 2021 and now published to celebrate the upcoming 30th anniversary of Evangelium vitae.
Throughout his career, Rob has meant much not only to this struggle in the Netherlands, but also in countless other countries. On his retirement in September 2024, the WFRtDS donated this book to him, chronicling his life story. A copy of the book can be downloaded in high quality pdf format following this link Rob Jonquière -Diplomat in End-of-Life Affairs. It is suggested that a DONATION is made for the book of €20 which will go directly to fund WF activities.
This book is a collection of unique first-person accounts that explore the range of emotions and processes of Final Exit Network clients as they come to terms with end of life decisions for themselves and their loved ones, and the stories of FEN's specially trained volunteers who discuss their roles as guides and, often, confidants.
Forewords by Final Exit Network co-founders Derek Humphry and Faye Girsh detail its origin, which began with a single phone call. The idea? To create an organization offering direct advice and guidance to terminally ill adults in states without medical aid in dying laws or who simply fell through the cracks caused by restrictive legislation. These right to die pioneers saw the need for a dedicated group of individuals to educate qualified adults in practical, peaceful ways to end their lives.
Essays on Den Hartogh’s What Kind of Death This collection brings togetherkeycontributionson theethicsof end-of-life decisions, inspired bythe publication of What Kind of Death: The Ethicsof Determining Oneʼs Own Death, a new standard work by professor Govert den Hartogh. Thetopicscovered reflect the book's comprehensiveapproach, with its central themes explored byethicists, legalexperts, and medical professionals. Thevariouscontributionsoffer athorough examination of the major steps in Den Hartoghʼs 'dual trackapproach'. This collection serves as avaluablesupplement tothe bookand an important contribution totheongoing debateabout patient self-determination and well-beingas foundational values in theethicsof determiningoneʼsown death.