Inspired by Ethan Sisser, a young man afflicted with brain cancer who began documenting his journey on social media, a devoted team of death workers transported him to a quiet house in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Asheville, North Carolina. What unfolded in Ethan’s final weeks is an intimate story that has never been told in a documentary feature: how a community came together to help a dying man find healing through release.
CLI is an official Outreach Partner for the film, and Hannah Fowler, from our esteemed Advisory Board, is one of the film's producers. The film is set to be released in 2023, but you can view the trailer HERE and also view a recording of "The Last Ecstatic Days: A Conversation About Community Care" HERE: an event recently held by Reimagine and CLI about communal caregiving at the bedside, which featured Hannah Fowler.
Behind a white picket fence, on an unremarkable suburban street, Eli Timoner is about to die. Just as he lived, he will do so surrounded by his loved ones, on his own terms. Lucky enough to live in one of the few states that allows medical aid in dying, the Timoner family embarks on a mission to help their beloved patriarch exit the world with the same grace and dignity with which he lived.
Through stunning verité footage recorded by his middle child, LAST FLIGHT HOME takes audiences on a moving journey through Timoner’s life during his final days, illustrating a modern day success story built on the power of human connection. As the family opens up to provide an enlightening view of a universal experience, this intensely intimate film also offers a lasting legacy of one man’s life and his commitment to both living – and dying – with agency and grace.
Directed by award-winning filmmaker, Ondi Timoner, the critically acclaimed documentary LAST FLIGHT HOME is currently streaming on Paramount+.
Here is a link to the trailer.
Oscars Campaign Clips
**NYT Critic’s Pick**
“Moving, boundlessly humane… Far more than simply a countdown of those days, but it is that, illuminatingly… An amazingly intimate portrait… At once a memorial to Eli [and] a philosophical argument about how death can be faced well.” - THE NEW YORK TIMES
“It’s an inspiring story. It’s a beautiful story. It’s a funny story. It made me see life in a completely different way… You can see why the film is getting Oscar buzz because it’s made so well… You have captured a human being in a way that few films have captured anybody. You’ve told a story that I think millions of people, not just in America but around the world will connect with."
- THE DAILY SHOW with Trevor Noah
“Moving, Human, cathartic…It’s rare to see such uncomplicated, unequivocal love expressed on screen as it is here.” - Empire Online
"Profound in its simplicity, wrenching in its honesty, and beautiful in its humanity… The kind of movie you’ll never forget.” – THE WRAP
In My Own Time” is a documentary film that looks at what it means to die on one’s own terms. Using first-hand accounts from people across Canada, this film will offer perspectives not commonly seen in media reports and present an opportunity to educate people on end-of-life choice in Canada.
Documentary trailer:
It is broadcasted by Dying With Dignity Canada in December:
A comedy following Jimmy, a man with advancing Alzheimer's who throws himself a fabulous FUNeral on the day he chose to complete his life with MAiD. The film, which is the debut from filmmaking duo KnifeRock, features a star-studded cast of characters that support, challenge, and ultimately celebrate Jimmy's life and decision to end it on his own terms. Like its lead character, the film is funny, introspective, and celebratory, without downplaying the complex and intense emotions that surround death.
CLI was honored to partner with the film's producers, Good Deed Entertainment, to feature Moon Manor as part of our 2022 Summer Arts Festival lineup. You can view a trailer for the film HERE. The film is available to watch on Showtime with a subscription, or to rent/buy on Amazon Prime Video and iTunes.
Strong-willed, funny and charismatic, Paralympic champion Marieke Vervoort’s time is running out. As her strength falters and her body begins to fail, she determines to end her life with the help of her doctors. Liberated by the legal permission to die, Marieke rediscovers the freedom and thrill of living and competing.