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Kevorkian to Be Paroled.

Dr. Jack Kevorkian will be granted parole from a prison in Michigan on June 1, the time when he would be eligible to be considered…

Piergiorgio Welby Update

Mr. Welby, 60, had his wish fulfilled by Dr. Mario Ricci who sedated him then disconnected his respirator; Welby died shortly thereafter on December 20.

New Book in Italian

The publisher Eleuthera, in Milan, Italy, has decided to translate and publish Derek Humphry’s latest book “The Good Euthanasia Guide: Where, What, and Who in Choices in Dying”. It will be on sale in a few months time.

Lecture on Terminally Ill Law of Israel

The Terminally Ill Law, 2005, which was passed by the Knesset on 6/12/05, will come into effect on 16/12/06. In this article, Retired Supreme Court Judge Eliyahu Matza, President of Lilach, explains the principles of the Law in layman words.

Toronto manifesto

The World Federation of Right to Die Societies (an international non-governmental organization) is aware of the increasing concern to many individuals over their right to die with dignity. Believing in the rights and freedom of all persons, we affirm this right to die with dignity, meaning in peace and without suffering.


The World Federation of Right to Die Societies (an international nongovernmental organization) is aware of the increasing concern to many individuals over their right to die with dignity. Believing in the rights and freedom of all persons, we affirm this right to die with dignity, meaning in peace and without suffering.

Debate on euthanasia in Italy

These few lines are on behalf of Mr. Marco Cappato (Member of the European Parliament) and the Luca Coscioni Association to bring to your attention the debate about euthanasia which is taking place in Italy in these hours.

Death of a veteran right-to-die campaigner: Beatriz Gomez

By Derek Humphrey

Beatriz Gomez, a person who defied all conventional taboos and founded a right-to-die organization in Colombia – a Catholic country and herself a Catholic — has died. She was 84, and passed away peacefully and suddenly at her home in Bogotá on August 15, 2006.