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Results of First Ever UK-Wide Study into Euthanasia and End-of-life Decisions

The results of the first UK-wide study into euthanasia are revealed today, January 18th 2006, in ‘Palliative Medicine’. The survey, carried out by a Brunel University academic, shows the proportion of UK deaths in which doctors report having assisted patients’ suicide, carried out euthanasia, or taken other medical decisions relating to the ending of life. This is the first time such a comprehensive survey of UK medical practice has been reported. Because the same survey has been done in other countries, rates in the UK can be compared with rates elsewhere.

Eight patients helped to die each day, says survey

Nearly 3,000 patients in Britain were illegally helped to die by doctors last year, while approximately one third of all British deaths during the year were hastened using drugs, new research has suggested.

Assisted suicide ruling upheld by US court

In a stinging rebuke to the Bush administration, the US Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled that the US attorney-general cannot use federal drug laws to try to stop the right-to-die movement.

British Medical Association drops opposition to euthanasia and physician assisted suicide

At the BMA’s Annual Representative Meeting in June 2005, there was an open debate on assisted dying followed by a vote on three options. These were (a) to reaffirm BMA opposition to physician assisted suicide and euthanasia; (b) to withdraw opposition to assisted dying, recognising the law is primarily a matter for society and for Parliament but press for robust safeguards if legal change occurred; (c) to support an open and transparent system that allowed terminally ill competent patients to receive assisted dying within robust safeguards.

Greg Barns: Howard has another attack on our rights

The Advertiser, 09 jan 2006

WHILE many are alarmed by the incursions of freedoms and liberties being made by the Howard Government’s anti-terror laws, last Friday heralded the beginning of another attack on the freedoms and rights of Australians.

Newsletter RtD-Europe, December 2005

Board RtD-Europe:
Elke Baezner (President), EXIT Deutsche Schweiz
Deborah Annetts, VES UK
Ans Baars, NVVE
Hugh Wynne, FATE
Karen Sanders, VES UK
Executive support: Rob Jonquière, NVVE
Secretariat: Kitty Jager, NVVE

Editors: Ann Beaton, Rob Jonquière, Kitty Jager


Prepared by Ann Beaton, European Research worker RtD-Europe
(based at the Voluntary Euthanasia Society of England and Wales, London)

Knesset approves passive euthanasia law

Law states life of terminally ill person who does not wish to continue living will not be extended artificially; health minister: ‘This is one of most important laws passed by Knesset. It represents major moral value for terminally ill and their families’

Debate on Marty Report

As reported in the last newsletter, the Council of Europe in its debate on 27 April failed to adopt the Marty report on “Assistance to Patients at the end of Life”. Right to Die Europe found this very disappointing, as they had campaigned hard to support Mr Marty with his redrafted report and proposed resolution and there seemed a reasonable amount of support within the Council. However in the course of the debate so many wrecking amendments were passed, that the document would no longer have reflected Mr Marty’s intentions. In the end therefore he also voted against the report.