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‘Mar Adentro’ wins Oscar

The move ‘Mar Adentro’ by Alejandro Amenabar has won the Oscar for best foreign language film at the 77th Annual Academy Awards.

European Union Grants NGO Status to World Fed

Taken from the World Right-to-Die Newsletter issue no. 46, Januray 2005.

By Michael Irwin

Contact information about the World Federation appears now on a list of “NGOs with Expertise in Fundamental Rights”, ­produced by the European Union (an organization of 25 ­countries, headquartered in Brussels).

Others on this list of exactly 100 organizations include Amnesty International, the European Humanist Federation, Friends of the Earth, Human Rights Watch, and Greenpeace.

You Can Help The World Federation

Taken from the World Right-to-Die Newsletter issue no. 46, Januray 2005.

Count the ways:

  • Join the 21 Club with a contri­bution of $1000 (tax deductible in the U.S.
  • Include the World Federation of Right to Die Societies in your will
  • Encourage friends of our mission to contribute

Currently we are primarily financed by dues from member organizations in addition to the generosity of donors of gifts and legacies.

Future Meetings of the WFRtDS

Taken from the World Right-to-Die Newsletter issue no. 46, Januray 2005.

2005: RTD Europe will meet in Turin Italy in October, hosted by Exit Italia. It is open to members of RTD Europe and the WF Board.

2006: World Fed to Meet in Toronto Canada
To be hosted by Dying with Dignity the 16th biennial conference of the Toronto. DWD Executive Director, Cathy St. John, promises a lively and varied conference. WF Board member and sister, Cynthia St. John, has promised to help.

Saba Medal For Japanese Group

The Saba Medal, awarded every two years to the person or organization that has done most during that time for the World Federation of Right to Die Societies, was awarded to the Japan Society for Dying with Dignity.

First Marilynne Seguin Award to Colombia’s Beatriz Gomez

Taken from the World Right-to-Die Newsletter issue no. 46, Januray 2005.

The presentation of the first Marilynne Seguin Award to Beatriz Gomez, founding member and long-time President of Fundacion Pro Derecho A Morir Dignamente (DMD) of Colombia was made at the banquet for attendees on the final night of the World Conference of Right to Die Societies.