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Poll: Many doctors back assisted suicide

Rank-and-file doctors favor physician-assisted suicide by nearly twice the rate of the elected leadership of the nation’s premier medical organization, according to a survey by a Baylor College of Medicine professor.

Recent advances: Palliative care

J Andrew Billings: In this article I introduce current concepts about palliative care and review advances in this subject over the past five years, highlighting developments of particular interest to generalists.

Dutch Parliament Approves Euthanasia Bill

In what was both feared and celebrated as a morally groundbreaking decision, the Dutch Senate on Tuesday enshrined in law a terminally ill patient’s right to suicide and a doctor’

Health Minister to Push for Euthanasia Law

France’s straight-talking health minister plans to press for the legalization of euthanasia after favorable opinion polls in France and a vote last week made the Netherlands the first country to openly endorse mercy killing.


Legislative Council – South Australia

Wednesday, 14th March 2001

Extract from Hansard


The Hon. SANDRA KANCK obtained leave and introduced a bill for an act to provide for the administration of medical procedures to assist the death of patients who are hopelessly ill and who have experienced a desire for the procedure subject to appropriate safeguards. Read a first time.

The Hon. SANDRA KANCK: I move:

That this bill be now read a second time.

Dutch Hope Euthanasia Law Will Prompt Debate

Policymakers and pro-euthanasia groups in the Netherlands voiced the hope that Tuesday’s landmark decision to legalize mercy-killing will encourage discussion on the controversial issue elsewhere.


In debates about euthanasia, the drugs are never quick.