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An update from Luxembourg

It was in 2012 that we last published a newsletter of the Luxembourg Right to Die Society. It’s time for an update!  

Newsletters of the Luxembourg Right to Die Society

Bulletin 44 in 2012 was the last newsletter we published, but not the last newsletter of the organisation.
Read here the newsletters that came after it:  

And this spring they published:

A new name of the Luxembourg Right to Die Society

In 2017 the society changed name from “ADMD-L” into “MĂ€i WĂ«llen, MĂ€i Wee, Association for the right to die with dignity LĂ«tzebuerg”. The new name clearly expresses the will that everyone should be able to choose the conditions of his life’s end. A new website has been put online:, as well as a Facebook page, making it maybe easier to reach also young people. (Read more in their press release.)

Developments in Luxembourg

In 2019, the association celebrated its 30th anniversary and the 10th anniversary of the law on euthanasia and assisted suicide in Luxembourg (16 th march 2009). Since then, the association had continued growing: today in 2020, we count two full and one part -time employee. Over the last years, we have been organizing open debates all over the country. And of course we continued offering an individualized follow-up. We are currently working with a producer to co-create a short film on the subject in order to raise more public awareness. And, last but not least, we recently managed to be recognized as a public utility organization, allowing our contributors to deduct their donations.
