Please find here an analysis by Daniel Carré of ADMD France of the Siccard report (in French only) that integrated important reactions to this work. A debate will take place in the year on a PPL (project of Law) filed by Jean Leonetti. This project provides no notable change compared with the Act of April 22, 2005. The will of the patient is not recognised and the decision of measures to be taken during a stop of treatment rests with the doctor. In addition, a serious confusion is introduced by creating a document “Directives Anticipées” (Advanced Directives) co-signed by the patient and the doctor as part of a consent to a treatment protocol. This approach proposed by the Siccard report has an important interest: formalize a care course and anticipate consequences if the patient loses jurisdiction during this course. It is a new form of contract between the patient and the caregiver, while the expected guidelines are the expression of values and denial of care expected for any situation of loss of extended jurisdiction, whatever the doctor or the health care team involved.