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Annual meeting of the Nordic Right to Die Societies

The Nordic Right to Die Societies had their annual meeting on 15 October in Reykjavik, Iceland. The first Nordic meeting took place in Stockholm, Sweden, in 2019. Because of Covid, Finland organized the second meeting online. The next meeting will be held in Oslo in November 2023.

The Nordic societies discussed, among other things, how things are progressing in each of the countries and how they can use the apparent attitude change of health professionals and the general public to their advantage. The group also discussed how to make the most of the Nordic cooperation, what to learn from each other, and how to work more closely together.

Two Icelandic members of parliament gave their input on assisted dying and what can be done to further the debate in the Nordic parliaments.

The meeting was both fruitful and enjoyable.

The delegates of the Nordic societies with the Icelandic MPs