The Belgian Christian Democratic party CD&V party is set to have a debate on allowing euthanasia for people with dementia. The move comes as a response to a proposal on the issue led by the Flemish liberals, De Morgen reported.
The law now allows euthanasia if a person is fully aware and able to request it. But for dementia patients, the longer they have the disease, their window of time lessens. Noëlle Dendas, a patient with Alzheimer’s, told De Morgen in September 2021 why she chose euthanasia early. “Either you have to die too early, or you are too late and you can’t die anymore,” she said.
“On May 28, the euthanasia law turns twenty. It is high time to eliminate the shortcomings in the law”, said Flemish liberals from Open VlD Robby De Caluwé, Katja Gabriëls and Jean-Jacques De Gucht. They argue that patients should be allowed to sign a directive in advance to request euthanasia in case they become mentally incapacitated.