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Book assessing the Dutch Experience with physician assisted death in the Netherlands

Gerrit K. Kimsma (physician, philosopher and expert in end-of-life issues in NL) and Stuart J. Youngner (USA professor of bioethics at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine) together edited  Physician-Assisted Death in Perspective, a comprehensive report on the Dutch experience, both in practice and in perspective of judicial processes,  in Euthanasia and other Physcian-Assisted deaths. It is  a unique book, since it combines the opinions and expertise of a broad field of Dutch scholars, all well known by their studies and publications on the Dutch law.

The book (over 400 pages!) offers good reading, sound analyses and well considered argumentations. It is because of that a book giving both proponents and opponents well balanced material for discussion. Greatly recommended!

Book can be ordered from Cambridge University Press.

Physician-Assisted Death in Perspective
Assessing the Dutch Experience

  •  Stuart J. Youngner, Case Western Reserve University, Ohio
  • Gerrit K. Kimsma, University of Amsterdam


Published: October 2012
format:     Hardback
isbn: 9781107007567
