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Book published: Euthanasia – Searching for the Full Story

In 2019 a French language edition of this book was published: Euthanasie, l’envers du dĂ©cor. RĂ©fexions et
expériences de soignants. (ISBN: 978-2-874-02245-6). Now it has been translated to English: Euthanasia: Searching for the Full Story: Experiences and Insights of Belgian Doctors and Nurses.

The book is free to download from the website of Springer (the publisher of many medical journals). The book is edited by Timothy Devos and contains stories of ten Belgian health care professionals, nurses, university professors and doctors specializing in palliative care and ethicists. Together, they raise questions concerning the practice of euthanasia.  They share their experiences and reflections born out of their confrontation with requests for euthanasia and end-of-life support in Belgium. According to the writers: ‘a country where euthanasia has been decriminalized since 2002 and is now becoming a trivial topic’.
