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Bookrelease ‘How to Get the Death You Want’

The new book of John Abraham ‘How to Get the Death You Want: A Practical and Moral Guide’ is now available. It is a comprehensive manual for anybody reaching the end of life, and for their caring friends, relatives, advocates, and caretakers. The author, who is an Episcopal priest, describes in detail the formidable challenges faced by those

who wish to avoid months or years of painful treatment after they no longer have any hope of recovering any reasonable quality of life.


It is intended for people  of all faiths or no faith. People develop their own views on end-of-life issues, and for those who have not yet given it much thought, he offers facts and insights that are useful in forming one’s moral beliefs. 


The book is highly recommended by well-known authorities in the end-of-life discussion:


“John Abraham’s huge experience with end-of-life issues makes this book a veritable encyclopedia of the subject. There isn’t any aspect which he had not come across, thus addressed here are all the quirky and remote matters that tend to crop up at the close of life’s journey. The book is a clear and fast read, provocative and informative.” – Derek Humphry, founder of the Hemlock Society, author of Final Exit.


“Any who are nearing the end of life, or who have loved ones with illnesses that may soon end their life, will find a wealth of information in this book. John Abraham brings such practical advice, written in accessible language, to the subject of preparing for dying. His decades of experience as a counselor to those near the end of life, supported by his actually having been with some who chose their own time of dying, makes the information he provides credible and valuable.” – Richard MacDonald, Medical Director of the Hemlock Society and former WFRtDS President


To order, click on this link. You can also purchase it on Amazon (here).
