Judgement is still awaited in the Dordogne case, which has already led to the creation of two support associations – one for the nurse, the other for the doctor involved. The doctor tried to take all the responsibility since she prescribed the action concerned.
In January 2005 several ADMD representatives attended the AGM of the Chantal (the nurse) support group. An ADMD member was invited to speak and Chantal herself thanked him afterwards for the support given by ADMD’s members. Subsequently with her lawyer’s agreement ADMD suggested that if the case did proceed to the High Court they might organise a dignified demonstration outside the Palace of Justice in Perigueux.
Interesting to note that the judge has not sought punitive sanctions: Chantal has resumed her hospital work and Laurence, the doctor, was only suspended for a month.
Source: Newsletter RtD-Europe, September 2005.