DMD-Spain publishes Revista DMD nº 91
DMD-Spain publishes the latest issue of their magazine: Revista no 91:
DMD-Spain publishes the latest issue of their magazine: Revista no 91:
DMD-Spain publishes the latest issue of their magazine: Revista no 90:
The prominent advocate for assisted suicide was committed to promoting the right to die with dignity.
DMD-Spain publishes the last issue of their magazine: Revista no 89:
DMD-Spain publishes the last issue of their magazine: Revista no 88:
DMD-Spain publishes the last issue of their magazine: Revista no 87:
DMD-Spain publishes the last issue of their magazine: Revista no 86:
At March 30, DMD-Spain publishes the last issue of their magazine: Revista DMD nº 84 (Spanish only). They also created an overview of international newsitems (in Spanish): Revista internacional
WFRtDS and DMD-Spain would like to invite you to the Spanish webinar “The legislative situation regarding euthanasia in Colombia, Spain and Portugal” Date: Thursday, March 11thTime:
This November, AFDMD-Spain publishes the last issue of their magazine: Revista DMD nº 83 (Spanish only). They also created an overview of international newsitems (in Spanish): Revista internacional de