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Documentary on Belgian euthanasia practice 10 years after legalization


In the scope of the 30th anniversary of RWS  a new documentary by Marc Cosyns and Alexander Decommere had its premiere during a celebration in Antwerpen on January 26, 2013. The trailer of  End Credits can be seen here. A low quality screener can be viewed here.   Both the Dutch version and an English subtitles version of the DVD can be acquired

at the website of End Credits. Selling price € 10,- and postage (€ 2,- Belgium and € 4 for other countries). The showing of the DVD is allowed for personal, non-commercial  use only; if you want a public, more commercial showing of the film, please contact one of the directors.

The film looks at the practice of euthanasia in Belgium 10 years after the law became into force. The directors followed two people nearing the end of their lives; one with an unbearable and hopeless mental condition, the second suffering from dementia decline.

The film demonstrates the carefulness with which euthanasia requests are dealt with in Belgium.
