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DUTCH annual report 2010 Euthanasia Review Commissions published in 4 languages

The Dutch Euthanasia Review Commissions have published their 2010 annual report.  Copy in Dutch can be downloaded here

An English translation is published recently; so is a French (en Francais) and a German (Deutsch) one.

Summary 2010 annual report Euthanasia Review Commissions


Total number of reported cases:

2008           2331

2009           2636


2010           3136

Of which:

ยท         2819                    by GP

ยท         193             by specialist

ยท         115             by geriatric specialist


ยท         2499           at home

ยท         182             in hospital

ยท         109             in nursing home

ยท         346             in hospices and elsewhere


ยท         2548           because of cancer

ยท         75               because of cardiovascular disorder

ยท         158             because of nervous system disorder

ยท         237             others


ยท         2 cases of psychiatric problems (severe chronic depression)

ยท         25 cases of (beginning)  dementia (mostly Alzheimerโ€™s)


ยท         9 cases (none because of psychiatric or dementia condition!!) were considered as NOT complying with the criteria (mostly procedural).
