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DWD NSW Australia: poll shows majority of doctors support assisted dying bill

Most NSW doctors and nurses support the Voluntary Assisted dying bill headed for Parliament, according to a survey carried out by a market research company commissioned by Dying with Dignity NSW.


60% of doctors and 80% of nurses are in favour of the law. 30% of doctors and fewer than 10% of nurses are opposed to the possibility of assisted dying. Dying with Dignity states they are happy with the backing from a majority of medical professionals.


The Australian Medical Association, which opposes changes to euthanasia law, warned the research could overstate doctors’ support. NSW Nurses and Midwives Association general secretary Brett Holmes said to SMH: “The vast majority of nurses support change that enables medically assisted dying. Nurses know patients often choose more drastic means [to medically ending their life] in fear they cannot choose later.”


The bill, which allows patients to apply for medically assisted dying in certain circumstances when older than 25, will be introduced to the NSW upper house in August for a vote.

