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DWDV Newsletter UPDATE, ‘summer’ 2011 edition published

UPDATE, DWD Victoria’s newsletter, ‘summer’ 2011 edition is now available.  It includes points of particular immediacy and interest:

  • Neil Francis’ report on his attendance at the recent 2011 Catholic Bioethics Coloquium. (p1 & 3)
  • Our “call to action” to contact your elected representatives in the new Victorian Parliament, to let them know your views on aid-in-dying and legislative reform. (p1)
  • The election of Lara Giddings as the new Tasmanian Premier is encouraging news for our dying with dignity movement. All Tasmanian members are urged to be part of the forthcoming community consultation prior to the drafting of new legislation for presentation in their Spring session of Parliament. (p2)
  • The documentary How to Die in Oregon has won the Grand Jury Prize at the 2011 Sundance Film Festival.  We are hoping it will be screening in Melbourne later this year.(p2)
  • Bob Brown’s Bill seeking to restore territory rights to legislate on end-of-life-choice is soon to be presented to the Federal Senate.  All members are encouraged to contact their Senate representatives urging them to support this Bill. (p3)

To download the Summer edition of Update click here.

