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EUTHANASIA: definitions, history and context

Medical News TODAY published the article “What is Euthanasia (assisted suicide)?”, written by Christian Nordqvist. It is clearly meant to bring clarity in the definitions issue, which is also discussed in our organisation. It is an interesting article, useful as a starting point for the debate.

To read the whole article go to

WF webmaster’s Comment: also in this article it becomes clear that the world wide difference in defining end-of-life decisions needs to be addressed, if ever WFRtDS wants to make use of experiences in different countries.

In Frankfurt (October 2009) at the RtD-Europe Biennial Meeting, mr. Rudolph Lequin presented a draft Vocabulary, using his expertise as ISO-certifier. This proposal is meant to provide the members with uniformed and agreed terms and definitions, not only between ourselves, but also to the outside world, such as the media. The resulting discussion between attending members lead to some adaptations, after which the Vocabulary will be presented in Melbourne, this year.  You may view the Frankfurt  presentation by clicking here. I specifically advise to look at slides 7, 8 and 9. Discussion will be continued in Melbourne.
