Roundtable Death Café feat. Circle of Friends for the Dying
The Roundtable Death Café is a new event series created by the Completed Life Initiative.
Each Roundtable is a 90-minute event that provides an open forum for panelists to deconstruct the stigma surrounding death and dying. For the first half of the event, our panelists will discuss how death cafés can work to destigmatize these conversations through local, small group connections; how these events can advance empathy and compassion towards grief and end-of-life suffering; and how individuals and organizations, on both a local and national scale, can further promote #deathpositivity. For the second half, our audience will be assigned into breakout rooms that will follow the traditional Death Café model of participant-led discussion.
For the first half of our the event, our panelists will discuss how death cafés can destigmatize the subject of death through small group connections; how these events can promote empathy and compassion towards grief and end-of-life suffering; and how individuals and organizations, on both a local and national scale, can further promote #deathpositivity. For the second half, our audience will be assigned into breakout rooms that will follow the traditional Death Café model of participant-led discussion. Our partners at Circle of Friends for the Dying (Kingston, NY), will help us facilitate the whole 90-minute event.
What is a Death Café?
A Death Café is a group-directed discussion of death with no set agenda, objectives, or themes. The model is based on a similar format from Europe that has since been adapted and popularized in the United States. Death Cafés can occur online or in-person and they often have tea and snacks, but their free-flowing nature lends them to be adapted even further, which is what we have done.
There is limited availability for this event, so be sure to register early to save your spot. All Completed Life events and content are free for all. We look forward to kicking off these exciting new series with you.