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Final Exit book celebrates 25 year

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Derek Humphry’s ground breaking book Final Exit, the Final Exit Network USA organised a Death with Dignity Day on January 2,  2016. The press release said:
Books have the power to encourage and advance change. But only rarely does a book, by itself, establish a new civil liberty and start a movement to achieve it. Such a book is Derek Humphry’s Final Exit.The notion that people had a right to end their suffering came as a shock.

It upended the almost universal belief that suffering had to be endured, and that it was not up to any of us to question the ‘why’ of it. From its beginnings as a privately published book, because no company would agree to print it, it has now become the standard source for information and has sold an estimated 2 million copies worldwide. Since Derek’s bold statement of belief and action, much of Western Europe and the United States has witnessed a revolution in the understanding of human liberties.

The battle for end of life autonomy has advanced more slowly – but it advances. So it seems fitting that on the 25th anniversary of the book’s publication, we honor its place in history by celebrating January 2 as Death With Dignity Day. Please encourage your readers and followers to talk with their friends and family during the month of January. This is an important opportunity for all of us to make our wishes known. Visit on January 2, 2016 for ideas to promote these important conversations.

I hope you will agree to reach out with us and establish this day in commemoration of the many who suffer needlessly at the end of life and our determination to offer hope and peace of mind for others in the future.

Janis Landis, President, Final Exit Network


Final Exit (third edition) is still for sale.
