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Finland: 50,000 signatures call for euthanasia

Oikeus arvokkaaseen kuolemaan, the Finnish right to die society, launched a citizen’s initiative to have euthanasia legislation debated. With the elections coming up, the hope is that euthanasia will be included in the election programme of the next government.

Oikeus chair Juha Hänninen said, “The Greens and the Left Alliance have clearly stated their support for a law on euthanasia, while the Finns Party, the National Coalition, the SDP and the Swedish People’s party all have both opponents and supporters.”

Hänninen hopes for a political change after MPs rejected the previous citizen’s initiative in 2018.

Read more: Call to legalise euthanasia garners 50,000 signatures of support, proceeds to parliament | Yle News | Yle
