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Former Swedish RTVD president lost medical license

On Friday September 30, Staffan Bergström, the earlier head of our member organization Riksföreningen Rätten Till En Värdig Död (RTVD), got the sentence that his licence is being withdrawn. In April 2021, a formal complaint against Bergström had already been given to IVO, the Health and Social Care Inspectorate.

Berit Hasselmark, part of the RTVD board, sent us the following email about it: “Staffan is no longer RTVD chairman, but is still on the board. The Swedish media is now full of articles about this case. The case that is constantly being referred to is about a man that in July 2020 was helped to die by Staffan. He himself called the police afterwards, since he meant to make “a case” of it. The man had ALS and had “green light” from Dignitas but was stopped by the airline restrictions  of the pandemic. He was desperate and called for help on his FaceBook page. Someone showed this to Staffan who then contacted the man. It was all done quite openly, with one newspaper (Dagens Nyheter) that got the rights and interviewed the two of them one day in advance. Staffan has told the board of RTVD that if he might be sentenced like this, he would appeal. He is quite pleased with the lawyers that are helping him.”

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