On 12 December, Staffan Bergström, the earlier head of our member organization Riksföreningen Rätten Till En Värdig Död (RTVD), was summoned to court for giving a lethal dose of sleeping pills to a man who wanted to die. On 21 December, Bergström got the sentence: he has been convicted of drug offences. The punishment was a suspended sentence and a daily fine.
The district court’s conclusion was that the transfer of the drug to the patient cannot be considered to have been for medical purposes, since Staffan Bergström claims to have received the drug from a colleague who prescribed it to himself.
The punishment was not that heavy, considering that for the same act, Bergström had already lost his doctor’s license.
He reacted:
“For me personally, it’s sad that this never has an end. Now I get to appeal this judgment as well, having already appealed the delegitimization.”