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Former WFRtDS President Mary Gallnor passed away

Mary Gallnor (1933 – 2013), widely acknowledged and respected for her tenacious advocacy across a broad range of social justice issues, such as the Right to Die passed away, aged nearly 80 years old.  She was a founding member of the South Australian Voluntary Euthanasia Society (SAVES) in 1983. She served as President for SAVES from 1992 – 2001.

She joined the WFRtDS board in 1994, became vice-president in 1996,  to become the proud WF President from 1998 – 2000.

Her passionate dedication to the issue of voluntary euthanasia and the right of suffering people to make choices at the end of their lives, in combination with her “people oriented” attitude will be sorely missed, both in (South) Australia and in the WFRtDS and its members. May she rest in peace!
