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Iceland: euthanasia bill presented to Parliament

The first ever euthanasia bill has been presented to Iceland’s Parliament by representatives of the Reform Party. The public consultation period yielded 27 responses, mainly in favour, with little engagement from the medical association. Ingrid Kuhlman of Lífsviroing, said that though “..the current session may not see the bill advance to a vote…we remain hopeful that persistence will see this issue revisited in future legislative sessions, eventually leading to its enactment.”

Reserve MP Katrín Sigríður added, “Euthanasia has been a cause close to my heart for many years, so I wanted to champion it,” she said. “A subject like euthanasia is at the core of my politics, combining liberalism and a humanitarian view, which is my guiding light politically.”

Read more: Euthanasia Bill Presented in Parliament (
