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Interesting ruling on Right to die by UK Supreme Court

UK’s Supreme Court  ruling in the Nicklinson and Lamb cases has been causing clarity in the eyes of one and giving thoughts as to the parliamentary progress made in the scope of dealing with Lord Falconers Bill, currently waiting for debate in the House of Lords

Justices ruled against Paul Lamb and Jane Nicklinson by seven to two. It may look as if the campaigners lost their appeal, but the Judges said it is actually up to the Parliament now to act.

Lord Neuberger, the court’s president, clearly finds current guidelines, whereby prosecutors consider criminal charges after a death, to be deeply unsatisfactory“, Nicklinson and Lamb said. “.…its right-to-die judgement boils down to a single phrase directed at Parliament: Sort it out, or we will. It argues that MPs have ducked the issue for too long – and it is time they, as our democratically-elected representatives, find the political backbone to amend the law on assisted suicide“.

Read complete article from BBC London News here.
