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Ireland; Oireachtas Committee recommends assisted suicide and euthanasia

Established last year, the Joint Committee on Assisted Dying voted last night (March 6th) nine to three in favour of recommending legislation what would make it a statutory right to assist a person to end their life. Both assisted suicide and euthanasia will be recommended to be introduced in Ireland. Patients with an incurable, irreversible, progressive and advanced medical condition are eligible.

If approved by the Cabinet, legislation will have to be approved by both Houses of the Oiteachtas to become law.

End of Life Ireland chairperson Janie Lazar said, “We at End of Life Ireland and Irish Doctors Supporting MAiD (Medical Assistance in Dying) gave evidence at the committee last November and called on members to recommend the set up of an implementation group on voluntary assisted dying.

“We’re conscious that the committee’s report won’t be published in full until March 20th, but what we’re reading this morning would be a major step forward for compassionate legislation.

Read more: Cttee to recommend laws for assisted dying, euthanasia (

“We’ve been working hard to get people talking about assisted dying and about the choices that should be available to those who have no time to wait or waste. We look forward to seeing the report in full and issuing a full response at that stage.”
