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Margo MacDonald to introduce her (2nd) Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill beginning of November

Margo MacDonald, Scottish MSP, wil soon introduce her Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill to the Scottish Parliament. The new Bill will first be sent for scrutiny to a special committee of the Parliament in the first week of November. This Committee will – as is usual – call for evidence. This second Bill has been adapted to better suit the critical notes that has been delivered at the first one.  Visitors of this website are kindly requested to check on the progress of this Bill (is possible via the Parliamentary website; NB yet [Okt. 4] the publication still only refers to the first failed Bill) and make use of the possibility to suport the Scot in their legislation process. Details on when and how to give evidence will be provided on this website as soon as they are available. Any remaining questions can be directed to Margo’s Office Manager Peter Warren.
