On June 3rd, three Luxembourg newspapers brought a short appeal to the new coming-in Government to take action on depenalisation of euthanasia – signed by 100 personalities of Luxembourg society with photographs.In view of the forthcoming elections Sunday 13th of June, ADMD-L with Le Jeudi, Tageblatt and Le Quotidien published a National Petition for depenalisation of euthanasia with the photographs and signatures of 100 personalities of Luxembourg society with their respective photographs.
“for several years now, discussion on palliative medicine and the individual right to die with dignity has taken place in Luxembourg as well as the whole of Europe. Countries like Belgium, the Netherlands and Switzerland have – besides extending pain therapies and accompanying the dying – legiferated for the direct assistance to die, i.e. euthanasia. In most countries of the European Union, 60 – 85% of the population asked are in favor of the individual’s right to die with dignity.
The undersigned of this petition are of the opinion that palliative medicine and direct help to die with dignity don’t exclude each other, but complement each other. Therefore they appeal to the members of the future Chamber and to Government to take action as from the beginning of the new legislative period to achieve depenalisation of euthanasia under precise, legal conditions.”
Reaction by the Prime Minister (Catholic party) was angry and threatening.
Reaction by the public: a very spontaneous sending in of over 200 signatures, campaign which the committee of ADMD-L is pursuing now.