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New right-to-die online bookstore opens

ERGO (Euthanasia Research and Guidance Organization), a nonprofit Oregon educational corporation, USA, has opened a new online bookstore supplying the best books and documents on hastened death. President is Derek Humphry, founder of the original Hemlock Society.

Books like “Final Exit”, ‘Jean’s Way” and “Good Euthanasia Guide” are available. Some books are available in eBook (PDF) format.

The site also has a special Advance Directive (Living Will) for those who fear they may one day suffer from dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease and want to make their care wishes known before this happens.

The ERGO-Store supports PayPal, Visa or MasterCard, e-check/regular check and money order. Books, video and special printed documents can also be purchased via snail mail, fax and over the phone. Delivery to anywhere in the world.

Deliberately ending one’s life for any reason requires careful thought and planning. Plus consideration for the feelings of others. Reading helps this process.

See the book selection here
