SAVE-YA, Syndicated Australian Voluntary Euthanasia Youth Advocates, became the 49th member of the WFRtDS. SAVE-YA supports, and have adopted, the SA Voluntary Euthanasia Society’s (SAVES) definition of voluntary euthanasia as being:’ A quick and peaceful death brought about under medical supervision at the request of and in the interests of a patient in which prescribed safeguards are followed. The definition applies to a person who is hopelessly ill with no other prospect of relief from suffering which that person finds intolerable.’
While official members of this group must be between the ages of 18 and 35 years for active youth lobbying activities, SAVE-YA encourages people of all ages and from all around Australia to join our Facebook group to help us with the goal of raising awareness and public support at a national level. If you wish to be an official member/public signatory of SAVE-YA please send a message via the Facebook group or email
SAVE-YA assists and encourages young people all around Australia to apply pressure on their State Members of Parliament to bring about law reform for voluntary euthanasia through the following methods:
· Writing letters to and meeting with the Members of Parliament to provide them with evidence-based information and encourage their support for legalising voluntary euthanasia
· Getting involved in talkback media
· Writing letters to newspapers