According to a Press report, issued in May 2012, two months after the opening of the Dutch “Levenseindekliniek“, more than 200 people had applied with a request for euthanasia. Two thirds of these had physical problems, the other third consisted of primarily psychiatric patients.
Meanwhile, eleven (11) ambulatory teams (each consisting of one doctor and one nurse, both specially trained for this work) have assessed all applications (by dossier) and visited a number of them at home. Until May 1, 2012 three applicants received euthanasia (all at home): two by the doctor oif the team, one by the own family doctor of teh concerned patinet. Communiaction with the practitioner of each patient is an important step/part of the procedure. Patients that do not comply with these and other criteria set by the “Levenseindekliniek” will be “returned” to their own practitioner.