On the occasion of the World Right to Die Day (WRtDD) launched in France in 2008, the German Society for Human Dying (DGHS) e. V. as the most important and largest German patient protection and civil rights organization draws attention to the subject of self-determination until the end of life. She appeals to the newly elected Bundestag to exercise a sense of proportion in the event of a possible legal regulation of assisted suicide, in line with the BVerfG ruling (February 26, 2020 / constitutional complaints to § 217 StGB). From the point of view of the DGHS, it is important to avoid restrictive hurdles and to check whether a new regulation is even necessary. The vigil on Pariser Platz in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin-Mitte corresponds to comparable events in other countries on the same day. In the presence of prominent supporters such as Beppo Küster (former TV entertainer) and Philipp Möller (book author), Ursula Bonnekoh, member of the DGHS Presidium, will stage the sentence “My end is mine” with Berlin members of the DGHS . Speeches are also planned.