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Report Belgian Federal Euthanasia Review Committee 2006-2007 and numbers 2008 and 2009

In accordance with the Belgian Euthanasia Law a 16 person Federal Euthanasia Review Committee assesses every case of Termination of life on request (that is reported!), and reports every two years to the Belgian Parliament. Recently the numbers of reported cases in 2008 and 2009 were already published, in advance of the official report expected this year.

The report is not yet available in English, but can be read in Dutch or French via the official website of the Belgian Federal Government.

 Some results for non-English readers:

  • 2006                 429 cases reported
  • 2007                 495 cases reported
  • since 2004        yearly increase of 10%
  • in the following graphic numbers of 2008 and 2009 are showed as well

    • 96%                  died through te golden standard of medication (injection of barbiturate followed by muscle relaxant), thus

                               complying with the main aim of teh legalisation to realise a quick, calm death without suffering or side-effects

  • 81%                  because of terminal cancer situations
  • 80%                  in the age category of 40 – 79
  • 49%                  at home

