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RtD-Europe statement on Italian developments

Regarding the current situation in Italy, RtD-Europe has made the following statement:

Thursday, 15 March 2011

The law under discussion by the Italian parliament gives rise to great concern among the societies of Right to Die Europe (RtDE) for its disregard of human dignity at the end of life. It appears that this law would mean that there would be no possibility for people to ask for an end to meaningless medical treatment or for them to refuse medication, food and water when they are terminally ill. This crucial end of life decision would be taken by a doctor even when a vulnerable patient with a living will, who has fully considered their position, wished to end their life. It is incredible that a religion that preaches love and compassion has such an inhuman point of view regarding end of life decisions. The board of Right to Die Europe, and all the member societies support the general principle that in a civilized society human rights should always take precedence. Fortunately, for as long as there have been patients and doctors, compassionate doctors all over the world have helped the vulnerable patients in their care to die if they have explicitly made this request.

Aycke Smook, president RtDE,
